In Defense of Food (Audiobook) By Michael Pollan

  • Name: In Defense of Food Audiobook

  • Author: Michael Pollan.

  • Published: 2008.

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: Self Help, Motivational, Guide Book.

  • Rating: 4.1 Star Review.

Audience Review: In Defense of Food Audiobook:

In Defense of Food Mp 3 Free: An Eater’s Manifesto is a 2008 book by columnist and lobbyist Michael Pollan. It was number one on the New York Times Non-Fiction Best Seller List for quite some time. The book outgrew Pollan’s 2007 article Unhappy Meals distributed in the New York Times Magazine.

Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food Unabridged Audiobook could best be depicted as a book that tolls best when decided by its cover. Underneath the title, a peruser discovers some dietary guidance which is not a terrible spot to begin: “Eat food. Not to an extreme. Generally plants.”

In Defense of Food Audio, Pollan investigates the connection between nutritionism and the Western eating routine, proposing that the response to smart dieting is essentially to “Eat food. Not to an extreme. Generally plants.” Pollan contends that nutritionism as a philosophy has overcomplicated and hurt American dietary patterns.

He says that as opposed to zeroing in on eating supplements, individuals ought to zero in on eating the kind of food that their progenitors would perceive, suggesting that a lot of what Americans eat today isn’t genuine food, yet “impersonations of food”. In the book, he recognizes food and “palatable foodlike substances”. Pollan suggests that Americans invest more cash and energy in food, and purchase locally.

In Defense of Food Audiobook

About The Author Michael Pollan:

Michael Kevin Pollan is an American creator and writer, who is as of now the Knight Professor of Science and Environmental Journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

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