The Alchemist (Audiobook) By Paulo Coelho

  • Name: The Alchemist Audiobook.

  • Author: Paulo Coelho.

  • Published: 1988.

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: Quest, adventure, fantasy.

Audience Review: The Alchemist Audiobook:

The Alchemist Mp 3 Free is a novel by Brazilian creator Paulo Coelho that was first distributed in 1988. Initially written in Portuguese, it turned into a broadly interpreted global bestseller. A metaphorical novel, The Alchemist follows a youthful Andalusian shepherd in his excursion to the pyramids of Egypt, in the wake of having a common fantasy about tracking down a fortune there.

The Alchemist Audiobook Full has turned into a famous book for some reason. It provides you with a knowledge of how life can be in alternate points of view. Simultaneously it lets you know how significant your fantasies are or can be and advises you to follow your fantasies. It advises you to experience your fantasies.

An Andalusian shepherd kid named Santiago counsels a Gypsy seer about the significance of a common dream. The lady deciphers it as a prediction, letting the kid know that he will find a fortune at the Egyptian pyramids. Later Santiago sets out, he meets an old lord Melchizedek, or the ruler of Salem, who advises him to sell his sheep in order to go to Egypt and achieve his ‘Own Legend’.

Almost immediately after his appearance in Africa, a man who professes to have the option to take Santiago to the pyramids rather denies him of the cash he had produced using his rush.

The Alchemist Audiobook

About Paulo Coelho de Souza:

Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian lyricist and writer. He is an individual from the Brazilian Academy of Letters. His original The Alchemist has sold in excess of 150 million duplicates worldwide and is the record-breaking smash hit book by a Brazilian author.

The Alchemist Audiobook Free


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