A Higher Loyalty (Audiobook) By James B. Comey

  • Name: A Higher Loyalty Audiobook.

  • Author: James B. Comey.

  • Published: April 17, 2018

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: Biography, Auto-Biography.

  • Rating: 4 Stars

Audience Review: A Higher Loyalty Audiobook:

A Higher Loyalty Mp 3 Free: Truth, Lies, and Leadership letter by James Comey, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), examines the morals and management of Covery he experienced during his lifetime, his call to open office, and his relationship with President Donald Trump, who severed him in May 2017.

The Independent, who gave A Higher Loyalty CD three out of five stars, said it was “full of empathy for Trump, but most of his time is true.” The New York Times called it a “special seduction” and described the book as “engrossing” in its book review, claiming that Comey’s diary gives a natural insight into the untrue president.

Mr Comey served as FBI Director from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. She recently filled out as a U.S. attorney. In the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. Attorney General In the organization of President George W. Hedge.

From accusing the Mafia and Martha Stewart of helping to change Bush’s organization’s methods of harassment and electronic surveillance, to overseeing Hillary Clinton’s email check as just ties between the Trump and Russian hospitality centre, Comey is linked to the most serious cases and timely historical arrangements.

About James Briend Comey Jr.

James Brien Comey Jr. (December 14, 1960) is a famous and well-known American lawyer working for Trump who was the seventh observer of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2013 until his pardon in May 2017. His writing got popular as soon as it got published.

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