All Quiet on the Western Front (Audiobook) By Erich Maria Remarque

    li>Name: All Quiet On The Western Front Audiobook
  • Author: Erich Maria Remarque.

  • Published: January 29, 1929.

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: War Novel, Fiction.

  • Rating: 4 Stars

Audience Review: All Quiet On The Western Front Audiobook:

All Quiet on the Western Front Mp 3 Free is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I. The book portrays the German troopers’ super physical and mental pressure during the conflict, and the separation from non-military personnel life felt by numerous individuals of these fighters after getting back from the front.

From November 10 to December 9, 1928, All Quiet on the Western Front Audiobook Unabridged was distributed in sequential structure in Vossische Zeitung magazine. It was delivered in book structure the next year to crushing achievement, selling one and a half million duplicates.

All Quiet On The Western Front CD recounts the narrative of Paul Bäumer, who has a place with a gathering of German troopers on the Western Front during World War I. The energetic addresses of his educator Kantorek had driven the entire class to chip in for the Imperial German Army soon after the beginning of The Great War.

He didn’t have any experience while going into the conflict however he went in with a receptive outlook and a good nature. Paul lived with his dad, mother, and sister in a beguiling German town, and went to class.

His class was “dissipated over the detachments among Frisian anglers, workers, and workers.” Bäumer shows up at the Western Front with his companions and classmates (Leer, Müller, Kropp, and various characters).

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All Quiet on the Western Front Audiobook

About Erich Maria Remarque:

Erich Maria Remarque was a German writer. His milestone novel I’m Westen Nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front) (1928), about the German military experience of World War I, was a worldwide smash hit that made another artistic sort and was adjusted into a film in 1930.

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