Twilight (Audiobook) By Stephenie Meyer

  • Name: Twilight Audiobook

  • Author: Stephenie Meyer.

  • Published: October 5, 2005.

  • Series: The Twilight Saga, Book# 1.

  • Genre: Romance novels, Fantasy Fiction, Horror fiction, and Vampire literature.

  • Rating: 3.6 Star Review.

Audience Review: Twilight Audiobook:

Twilight MP 3 Free is a 2005 youthful grown-up vampire romance book by writer Stephenie Meyer. It is the primary book in the Twilight Saga series and presents seventeen-year-old Isabella “Bella” Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. She is imperilled in the wake of going gaga for Edward Cullen, a 103-year-old vampire frozen in his kid body.

Introductory surveys for Twilight CD were by and large certain, with Publishers Weekly calling Meyer one of the most “encouraging new creators of 2005”. The Times commended the book for catching “completely the high school sensation of sexual strain and estrangement. The book is the First (01) in The Twilight Saga Audiobook Series Audiobook.

Bella Swan is a seventeen-year-old thoughtful person young lady who moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington on the Olympic Peninsula to live with her dad, Charlie Swan, the town’s police boss. Her mom, Renée Dwyer, is going with her new spouse, Phil Dwyer, a small-time baseball player. Bella is conceded to Forks High School, where she effectively gets comfortable with a gathering of companions.

To some degree unpracticed and bashful young lady, Bella is unnerved by a few young men seeking her attention. On the principal day of her school, Bella sits close to Edward in science class, however, he is by all accounts totally repelled by her, causing her a deep sense of bewilderment. He vanishes for a couple of days yet when he returns, he is surprisingly amicable to Bella.

twilight Audiobook

About Stephenie Meyer:

Stephenie Meyer is an American writer. She is most popular for composing the vampire sentiment series Twilight, which has sold north of 100 million duplicates, with interpretations into 37 distinct dialects. Meyer was the top-of-the-line creator of 2008 and 2009 in the U.S.

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