Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets (Audiobook) By J. K. Rowling

  • Name: Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Audiobook

  • Author: .J. K. Rowling.

  • Published: July 2, 1998.

  • Series: Harry Potter Series, Book# 2.

  • Genre: Novel, Mystery, Magic, Fantasy, Fiction.

  • Rating: 4.4 Star Review.

Audience Review: Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Audiobook:

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Mp 3 Free is a dream novel composed by British creator J. K. Rowling and the second novel in the Harry Potter series. The plot follows Harry’s second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during which a progression of messages on the dividers of the school’s passageways caution that the “Office of Secrets” has been opened and that the “beneficiary of Slytherin” would kill all students.

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Unabridged Audiobook was met with close widespread approval. In The Times, Deborah Loudon portrayed it as a youngsters’ book that would be “re-read into adulthood” and featured its “solid plots, connecting with characters, great jokes and an ethical message which streams normally from the story. The book is the Second (02) in the Harry Potter Complete Audiobook Series

While spending the late spring at the Dursleys, twelve-year-old Harry is visited by a house-mythical person named Dobby. He cautions that Harry is at serious risk and should not get back to Hogwarts. Harry declines, so Dobby mystically ruins Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon’s evening gathering. An incensed Uncle Vernon secures Harry into his room in reprisal.

The Ministry of Magic quickly sends a notification blaming Harry for performing underage wizardry and undermining excusal from Hogwarts. Ron Weasley and his siblings, Fred and George, show up in their dad’s flying Ford Anglia and salvage Harry, bringing him to the Weasley back home. Harry and the whole Weasley family travel to Diagon Alley for school supplies.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audiobook

About J. Rowling:

Brought into the world in Yate, J. Rowling moved on from the University of Exeter in 1987 and started maintaining temp sources of income as a bilingual secretary. In 1990, the thought of the characters of Harry Potter came to her while she looked out for a postponed train.

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Mp 3 narrated by Natalie Hills:

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Audiobook By Natalie Hills

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Mp 3 narrated by Demonte:

Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets Audiobook By Demonte

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