A Short History of Nearly Everything (Audiobook) By Bill Bryson

  • Name: A Short History of Nearly Everything Audiobook

  • Author: Bill Bryson.

  • Published: February 4, 2003

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: Non-fiction, Popular Science.

  • Rating: 4.2 Star Review.

Audience Review: A Short History of Nearly Everything Audiobook:

A Short History of Nearly Everything MP 3 Free by American-British writer Bill Bryson is a well-known science book that clarifies a few territories of science, utilizing effectively open language that interests more to the overall population than numerous different books committed to the subject. It was one of the top-of-the-line famous science books of 2005 in the United Kingdom, selling more than 300,000 duplicates.

A Short History of Nearly Everything Audiobook Unabridged got commonly good surveys, with analysts referring to the book as educational, elegantly composed, and profoundly engaging. In 2004, this book won Bryson the Aventis Prizes for Science Books for best broad science book. Bryson later gave the GBP£10,000 prize to the Great Ormond Street Hospital kids’ cause.

In Bryson’s greatest book, he rises to his greatest test: to understand – and, as far as possible, answer – the longest, greatest questions we have given the universe and ourselves. Taking as universal everything from the Big Bang to the rise of human civilization, Bryson looks to see how we can be meaningless from being where we are.

With that in mind, he has joined the world’s largest team of advanced athletes, orthopaedic surgeons, and mathematicians, in their workplaces, research centres, and field camps.

A Short History of Nearly Everything Audiobook

About William McGuire Bryson:

William McGuire Bryson OBE HonFRS (8 December 1951) is an American-British writer of books on movement, the English language, science, and other true-to-life themes. Bryson came to conspicuousness in the United Kingdom with the distribution of Notes from a Small Island (1995), an investigation of Britain, and its going TV series.

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