1984 (Audiobook) By George Orwell

  • Name: 1984 Audiobook

  • Author: George Orwell.

  • Published: June 8, 1949

  • Series: None.

  • Genre: Dystopian, Political Fiction, and Social Science Fiction.

  • Rating: 4.2 Stars

Audience Review: 1984 Audiobook:

1984 MP 3 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) is a tragic sociology fiction novel and wake-up call composed by English author George Orwell. It was distributed on 8 June 1949 by Secker and Warburg as Orwell’s 10th and last book finished in the course of his life. Specifically, it focuses on the results of autocracy, mass surveillance, and harsh regimentation of individuals and practices inside society.

Newby, inspecting Nineteen Eighty-Four CD Free for The Listener magazine, portrayed it as “the most capturing political novel composed by an Englishman since Rex Warner’s The Aerodrome.

In 1984 MP 3, civilization has been attacked by universal conflict, common struggle, and upset. Airstrip One (previously known as Great Britain) is an area of Oceania, one of the three extremist super-expresses that standard the world. It is managed by “The Party” under the philosophy of “Ingsoc” (a Newspeak shortening of “English Socialism”) and the secretive pioneer Big Brother, who has an extraordinary faction of character.

The Party mercilessly cleanses out any individual who doesn’t completely adjust to their system utilizing the Thought Police and steady reconnaissance through telescreens (two-way TVs), cameras, and secret amplifiers. The individuals who become undesirable with the Party become “unpersons”, vanishing with all proof of their reality obliterated.

In London, Winston Smith is an individual from the Outer Party, working at the Ministry of Truth, where he reworks authentic records to adjust to the state’s consistently changing rendition of history.

1984 Audiobook

About Eric Arthur Blair:

Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903 – 21 January 1950), known by his nom de plume George Orwell, was an English writer, writer, columnist, and pundit. His work is portrayed by clear writing, gnawing social analysis, all-out resistance to autocracy, and frank help of majority rule communism.

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